Dec 15, 2014

ATA 2014: Automotive Translation and Interpreting

Presented by: Miyako Okamoto
Summarized by: Yoko Usui

My job responsibility includes being an in-house interpreter for a Tier 1 Toyota supplier, so needless to say, Ms. Okamoto’s session on “Automotive Translation & Interpreting – How cars are made” was on my list of absolutely-must-attend sessions.  The presentation was a great introduction to those who may be unfamiliar with the automotive manufacturing industry, yet still educational to those like myself already involved in this industry.  Using Honda Motor Japan website’s “Virtual Plant Tour” as the base, Ms. Okamoto highlighted the major processes involved in the manufacturing of an automobile (outlined below).

Dec 7, 2014

ATA 2014: Chicago wrap up and planning for Miami

Dear JLD,

You may not have noticed it, but the month of November just blew past. One minute many of us were at the ATA Annual Conference, and the next it was Thanksgiving. At least it felt that way. Happy December! I hope the weather is good wherever you are.

I wanted to post this for two reasons: to call for feedback on the Chicago conference and to call for volunteers/ideas for next year's conference in Miami (especially from those who weren't in Chicago.)

I thought Chicago was a big success. The Annual Meeting powerpoint presentation and meeting minutes should be going up on the JLDTimes Blog shortly. Volunteers wrote summaries for most of the JLD sessions and even for a few others. Please check them out when you get a chance. If you have any feedback on last month's conference, please contact Nadine or me. If you had a session proposal or an idea to make things better but didn't get a chance to share it, please do!

Which leads to the second reason for my email. Although not even a month has passed since the conference, the planning process for next year is already beginning. The deadline for Distinguished Speaker proposals is in February, and the deadline for regular session proposals is in March. The first Planning Committee meeting will be held soon.

For those who couldn't attend the 2014 conference, this is your chance to let us know what sort of sessions and presentations you would be interesting in attending. Who would you like to hear speak? What subjects would you like to learn about? Would you be interested in giving a presentation? Do you know someone who would be a good speaker? Please let us know. Any and all suggestions are appreciated.

If you would be willing to volunteer, please contact us. We are always looking for JLD members to make a presentation or post an article to the blog. You could also get involved in the Planning, Editorial or Entertainment committees. Feel free to contact Nadine or myself with any questions.

-Jim Patrick
JLD Administrator