Oct 12, 2017

14 Years of JLD Sessions

Nadine Edwards
JLD Administrator

For a few years, the leadership of the Japanese Language Division has been trying to find ways to encourage feedback regarding topics and type of sessions members want at the annual conference. 

Earlier this year, JLD Member Y. Usui volunteered to help tabulate and classify 14 years of data (139 sessions, from 2002 to 2016). 

In anticipation of our brainstorming discussion during the JLD Annual Meeting on Friday, October 27th, below is an informal summary of the data tabulated.

We look forward to your questions, comments, and discussion on this data on the Yahoo mailing list, and especially when we brainstorm topics for next years' sessions at the Annual Meeting.

Oct 5, 2017

JLD Times Summer / Fall 2017

JLD Times Summer/Fall 2017
JLD Times Summer/Fall 2017

On behalf of the Editorial Committee, I welcome you to the first “paper” edition of the JLD Times Newsletter published in several years.

Our aim is for this revived biannual publication to serve as a useful source of information and interaction for our diverse and far-flung membership. We hope you enjoy the newsletter, and we look forward to your opinion pieces, comments, and reviews to add to subsequent publications.

As you enjoy the new JLD Times Newsletter, you will notice that we ask you to Take a Survey; this survey will give us a better idea of the makeup of our membership. Results will be reported in the next newsletter.

Finally, don’t forget to check our various social media for updates on events by the JLD at ATA58. See you there!