Jan 1, 2018

新年のごあいさつ Happy New Year!


Dear JLD members,
Happy New Year! We hope that you had a lovely and restful Holiday.
We would like to tell you that our aim for the JLD this year is to revamp the website and blog along with an increased social media presence to breath some new life into the virtual platforms of JLD. We hope that this helps everyone stay on the same page and become more involved in our regular undertakings.
We ask for your continued guidance and support in 2018 and would love to hear from you with any feedback.

Yoshihiro Mochizuki
JLD Administrator
Céline Sutherland Browning
JLD Assistant Administrator

1 comment:

  1. The Japanese language training at Kizoku is imparted by experienced and able instructors and trainers who have been making the dreams of many students true. It is our motto to provide top quality training to the students and offer them an atmosphere that is ideal for learning.
