Professor and
Director, Technical Japanese Program
Dept. of Engineering
Professional Development, University of Wisconsin-Madison
2013 ATA Conference, San Antonio TX
November 9, 2013
Why are figures of speech used in languages? To convey
particular messages in particular ways.
Generally speaking, the basic principle of translation is
that the target text should make the same impact (emotional, etc., as well as
factual) on its readers as the source text did on its.
To carry this out when metaphors occur in the source text,
the translator needs to generate many alternative translations and then choose
the best one depending on constraints such as the context surrounding the
metaphor in the source and the desired impact on the reader.
These alternatives can be arranged on a matrix with a number
of axes. For example, similar vs.
different meaning and similar vs.
different form:
Similar meaning
Similar form
Different form
Different meaning
matrix can be considered as a tool to be used for generating a number of
alternative translations. Once you have them, you can use the constraints of
the context, the impact on the reader that is needed, etc.
axes (think of them as additional dimensions to these two: 3rd, 4th, etc.):
vs. describe: rather than trying to find a target language metaphor parallel to
the source language metaphor, paraphrase the meaning or describe what the
writer was talking about
Exotic vs.
familiar: use target language which is relatively close to the source and
therefore “exotic” to the reader of the translation, or language more familiar
to the reader of the translation
vs. concise: use longer phrases to include details, or more concise ones
other dimensionss may involve style, register, tone, rhythm, and rhyme, etc.
1. 竜頭蛇尾
meaning and form: “Head of a dragon
and tail of a snake” (Exotic)
meaning but different form:
with a bang and end with a whimper” (Familiar)
beginning and weak ending” (Familiar)
well and end badly” (Familiar)
Paraphrase/describe: “Flash in the pan” (Colloquial;
“Anticlimax” (Neutral;
medium) “Dud” (Colloquial; shorter)
2. 蛇の道は蛇
Exotic: “A snake
knows the way of a snake.”
Familiar: “Set a thief
to catch a thief.”
takes one to know one.”
fire with fire.”
3. 弱肉強食
meaning and form: “The weak are meat,
the strong do eat.”
strong devour the weak.”
big fish eat the small.”
meaning but different form:
survival of the fittest”
Paraphrase/describe: “The law of the jungle”
4. ピンチをチャンスに
meaning and form: “Turning a challenge into an opportunity.”
a problem
into an opportunity.”
a crisis
into an opportunity.”
into opportunity.”
meaning but different form:
the best
of a bad situation”
into lemonade”
Paraphrase/describe: “Finding a silver lining”
5. 大連立という泥船に乗り込む政党はない
No political party would take a ride on a mudboat.
board a boat made of mud.
board a train bound for nowhere.
adopt a strategy with no future.
support a losing proposition.
board a boat made of mud.
board a train bound for nowhere.
adopt a strategy with no future.
support a losing proposition.
6. この世界から足を洗ったら農業をやりたいとかんがえている。
If I (ever) wash
my hands of
(the world of) politics,
turn my back on (the world of) politics,
walk away from (the world of) politics,
decide to quit (the world of) politics,
leave behind (the world of) politics,
abandon (the world of) politics,
give up politics,
turn my back on (the world of) politics,
walk away from (the world of) politics,
decide to quit (the world of) politics,
leave behind (the world of) politics,
abandon (the world of) politics,
give up politics,
(I think) I would like to try
7. 日本の防衛産業に秋波送る「友好諸国」
Friendly Countries Cast
eyes on Japan’s Defense
Partnerships with
Overtures to
8. 再生事例:リスケデ時を稼ぐ!経営改革に着手
The key to business
revitalization: Buy (some) time
Gain (some) breathing room
through debt
rescheduling, then restructure
revamp operations
overhaul management
revamp operations
overhaul management
9. 党本部と都道府県の分業耐性の確立=
a system for division of labor between the party headquarters and the local
the custom by which
“everyone comes to Kasumigaseki (to seek favors from the
“every Tom, Dick and Harry brings his business to Kasumigaseki,”
“all decisions are made in Kasumigaseki,”
and in
doing so
taking the first steps toward
laying the groundwork for
of decision making, so matters than can be handled locally are handled locally.
in conveying the message:
1. Use a strategy matrix tool to
generate alternative translations.
2. Consider alternative meanings
based on context.
3. Consider alternative renderings
based on constraints.
examples are in the session handout: contact James L. Davis:
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