ATA 56th Annual Conference Session J3
Thursday, Nov 05, 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM
Izumi Suzuki started her workshop by asking the attendees’ preferred language, Japanese or English. Then she asked how many have ever interpreted in deposition. She saw only few hands and decided to give basic level of workshop. Basic does not always mean easy. All of the attendees were on the hot seat trying to provide accurate interpreting of a video-taped sample case, TRZ vs Max Mutual Insurance. Here is the brief summary of what we learned.
Thursday, Nov 05, 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM
Session Summary by
Miyako Okamoto
Izumi Suzuki started her workshop by asking the attendees’ preferred language, Japanese or English. Then she asked how many have ever interpreted in deposition. She saw only few hands and decided to give basic level of workshop. Basic does not always mean easy. All of the attendees were on the hot seat trying to provide accurate interpreting of a video-taped sample case, TRZ vs Max Mutual Insurance. Here is the brief summary of what we learned.